Saturday, March 29, 2008

29 Weeks

We are getting closer and closer to being ready for the arrival of this little girl. Thanks to a wonderful baby shower given by Allison's friends and many generous gifts, we have just about everything we need (we think!) to take care of her. Of course, we don't want Ford to feel left out of this process, so we let him take a spin in the new stroller....

In other news, the nursery is just about finished. The walls are painted, the crib is put together, and the closet is full of baby clothes. All we have left is to pick out some decorations for the walls.

We have our final "prepared childbirth" class on Tuesday night. The nurse who is leading the class has been quite funny and has dispensed important non-medical advice such as her recommendation that dads not bring Popeye's to the hospital while the moms are in labor, unless they want to be yelled at. John has assured me that he will wait to bring the Popeye's until after the baby is born.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That tidbit from the nurse about Popeye's is hilarious!! I hope your last class went well. Poor little Ford doesn't know how upside down his world is going to be turned when the baby girl comes home.