Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Oh #*@! She Can Crawl!"

That statement is what I heard John yell from the nursery last night. Yes, Cate is now officially crawling. She has been working towards it for several weeks now, employing various techniques including commando crawling, rolling, and creeping, but she finally figured out how to coordinate her arms and legs. We are both excited and terrified, as the house is not remotely child-proofed.

In other news, Cate continues to be on the petite side. At her last doctor's appointment (February 11, 2009), her stats were:

Height: 25.5 Inches (5%)
Weight: 13 pounds, 15 ounces (<5%)
Head Circumference: 42.5 cm (5 - 10%)

Overall, Cate is a healthy and happy baby. In fact, the two things people in public comment on the most are her size (a woman at Whole Foods actually called her Thumbelina) and the fact that she seems so happy. She loves to go in public and smile at people and (more importantly) she loves it when they smile back or talk to her. John and I are not sure how we ended up with such an extroverted child.

We are all enjoying Cate's first Mardi Gras. She went to her first parade last weekend and was an excellent sport despite staying up past her bedtime. This weekend, we are trying to make sure that Cate gets plenty of good naps in so that she will be in a good mood for all the parade action.

Cate's first parade.

Going to a parade with a baby requires some interesting skills.

You can never tell which part of the pacifier Cate will find most enticing.


K Trock said...

Watch out, comes Cate!!

The Rathmell Family said...

Way to go, Cate!!!

Dr. Cynthia Frownfelter-Lohrke said...

Wow, I clicked on my favorites "The McCammons" on a fluke, I never expected to find an update. What a wonderful surprise! Are we going to see you soon.